Breaking The Day in Different Time areas, Timezones
Breaking The Day in Different Time areas, Timezones
Not all times are equal for volatility and volume.
To have price movement we need volatility and to have volatility we need peole.
If you study the charts of the BTCUSDT market you will probably realize that :
- Almost nothing happens during the week-end, probably people are resting
- Nights are generally quiet, probably almost everyone is sleeping.
But wait, about the nights, we're in a global market..A night for someone means the day for somewhere else.
So who trades when?
I live in the Paris timezone and I was wondering who is trading at 0215 in the night.
At point (1) we see a spike of volume. It's 0215 Paris time. Weird who is it? It may be our fellow professional traders from the Chinese Standard timezone. At 0215 the Shanghai Stock Exchange opens.
And what about the spike at (2) marking the end of the downtrend and the price reversal?
Again potentially traders from the Chinese Timezone that come back from lunch. Their stock exchange has lunch break and re-opens at, guess what, 0600 Paris time. But it's not only this. At the same time, the UK pre-market from the London Stock Exchange starts. So 0600 see China coming back and UK waking up.
Who trades when is an important question. When new participants enter the market (or some leave it), it's a time where we may see price movement and price reversal.
I checked who trades when and based on several assumptions I've split my day into different sections.
0000 | night | ngt | 7 hours | A new day starts in paris |
0700 | breakfast | bkf | 2 hours | I start monitoring |
0900 | morning | mor | 3.5 hours | EU markets open |
1130 | lunch | lun | 2.5 hours | EU starts to go to lunch |
1430 | afternoon | aft | 3 hours | US news |
1730 | diner | din | 3 hours | EU markets close |
2030 | evening | eve | 3.5 hours | US traders back from lunch |
The goal of doing this is to have a simpler vocabulary when doing analysis. Instead of saying "between 0900 and 1100" we can say "in the morning" and know approximately which time area we're referencing.
In case you're wondering, here are the assumptions I made:
- Professional trader trade during stock market opening hours
- Retail traders trade from the moment they wake up to the moment they go to bed (0700 -> 2359])
- professional traders lunch somewhere between 1130 and 1400
- some countries have the highest impact on the market : US(east coast + west coast), EU(west EU), China Standard timezone area(Shanghai+Singapore+Hong-Kong), Japan.
- US is the most important market, opening at 1530 and closing at 2200
To check what time it is where I use
A full day who gets in, who gets out (Paris time)
0215 | China opens |
0430 | China lunch |
0600 | China back |
0757 | China close |
0830 | China block close |
0900 | EU opens |
1530 | US opens |
1730 | EU closes |
2200 | US closes |
FROM 2nd Sunday of March TO Last Sunday Of March
0215 | China opens |
0430 | China lunch |
0600 | China back |
0757 | China close |
0830 | China block close |
0900 | EU opens |
1430 | US opens |
1730 | EU closes |
2100 | US closes |
0315 | China opens |
0530 | China lunch |
0700 | China back |
0857 | China close |
0930 | China block close |
0900 | EU opens |
1530 | US opens |
1730 | EU closes |
2200 | US closes |
FROM last sunday of October TO first Sunday of November
0215 | China opens |
0430 | China lunch |
0600 | China back |
0757 | China close |
0830 | China block close |
0900 | EU opens |
1430 | US opens |
1730 | EU closes |
2100 | US closes |
Full list for winter time
0000 | EU sleep, China awake |
0100 | Japan open, |
0200 | US after market close |
0215 | China open |
0330 | Japan lunch |
0430 | China lunch, Japan back |
0600 | China back, UK pre-market, USeast sleep |
0700 | EU awake |
0800 | China first close, UK awake DE pre-market |
0830 | China Block trade close |
0900 | EU open, UK open, USwest sleep |
1000 | US pre-market |
1130 | EU lunch |
1300 | USeast awake |
1330 | EU back |
1530 | US open, UK close |
1600 | Japan sleep, USwest awake |
1700 | China sleep |
1730 | EU close, UK close, USeast lunch |
2200 | US close |
2300 | Japan awake, UK sleep |